Hello Extra Hacking Readers, I am Back again with new and Intresting Blog Post, Today in this post you can get How To you Run Your Termux In anywhere. You can access your Termux Terminal on any browser or any phone any time.
How to hack Website on Android Using Termux
- Android Device
- Termux Application
- Hacker’s Keybord
- Ngrok
How to Run Termux On Anywhere :
Now Follow my steps, and you will access your termux on anywhere
First open the Termux and Type this command
$ apt update & apt upgrade
This take some time so wait some time, this command use for update or upgrade your packages, next Type this command :
$ pkg install ttyd
Its take 1-2 mins depend on your internet… so wait for complete it. After complete type this command
$ ttyd -h
This command help you for how to use this package.
$ ttyd -p 8080 bash
This command is for active your termux server for use anywhere, here “-p” for port, you can enter any four digit port number.
note : You need ngrok for use termux anywhere… so make sure you install ngrok first, but if you dont’t know how to install ngrok comment me or Visit our youtube I will make video abour this.
But if you want to protect your terminal server by set usernam and password, then type this command on your Termux.
$ ttyd -p 8080 -c username:password bash
Here “-c” means set for username or password after “-c” you enter username then put semicolon and then enter password but don’t give any space on username semicolon and password (username:password)
Now after complete all command you see this type of interface on your termux.

After This start new session and start your ngrok…. I assum that you know how to install ngrok termux
$ chmod +x ngrok
$ ./mgrok http 8080
Now your ngrok Start copy the address and paste on any browser and enjoy .
I hope you Like this method…..
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