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How to Make Private Chat Server – Termux

Chat with your friend privately

Today In this post You can get How To Make Private Chat Server, You can easily chat with your friends Anonymously. You can use this Method for discuss Sensitive discussion. I can teach you this method using Termux.

How to access your Termux Terminal on anywhere

How to Make Private Chat server On Termux

So hello Guys I am RK. and I can give you this method, So if you Like Our Post Just Share With your Friends and Relative.

Requirement :

  • Termux App
  • Hacker Keybord
  • And some Copy paste Knowladge ?

How to Chat with Your Friends on Private Server :

Follow my Commands on your Termux or Copy paste commands :

First open the Termux and Type this command

$ apt update & apt upgrade

This Command Use for Update Your Packages. So its very importand Command.

$ pkg install ttyd

This Command Use to Install Package ttyd, this package helps to make server termux server .

$ ttyd -h

This Command is for Help

$ ttyd -p 8080 bash

This command is for active your termux server for use anywhere, here “-p” for port, you can enter any four digit port number.

note : You need ngrok for use termux anywhere… so make sure you install ngrok first, but if you dont’t know how to install ngrok comment me or Visit our youtube I will make video abour this.

But if you want to protect your terminal server by set usernam and password, then type this command on your Termux.

$ ttyd -p 8080 -c username:password bash

Here “-c” means set for username or password after “-c” you enter username then put semicolon and then enter password but don’t give any space on username semicolon and password (username:password)

Now after complete all command you see this type of interface on your termux.

How to Make private Server

Now Start New Session and Type this command

$ pkg install netcat

Its is package for create chat server

Now Type this Command

$ nc -lvp 44444

This command use for start netcat server, but here you see I am using % digit of port number, So You will also use 5 digit of port number.

Note : Don’t use ttyd port number

How to access termux on anywhere

After This start new session and start your ngrok…. I assum that you know how to install ngrok termux

$ chmod +x ngrok
$ ./ngrok http 8080

Start Ngrok and enter ttyd port number. Don’t use you netcat port number

After start all the servers Now copy the ngrok address and send to your friend for chating with friend, and say your say open the ngrok address to chrome and type this command.

$ nc your_own_ip netcat_port_number (44444)

Tell your friend for type this command on chrome terminal, and you give your ip (Means you can give your IP for enter on Your_Own_IP space.

$ ifconfig

Use this command for know your ip.

After your friend successfully type this command then you and your friend start the chat.

I hope you understart all these command if you face any problem comment below or DM me on telegram

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Hello Guys I am RK The Hacker Boy. I am the Owner Of RK Hacking Zone. I am Carder, Cracker and Hacker. If you want learn about this Just Join our Telegram Channel. My AIM is I do Something For Poor people and give his some helps. Jai Hind Dosto

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