How to Install Metasploit on ubuntu 20.04

The Metasploit framework is an Open-Source Project, Which Publicly available for use. Metasploit Framework is the World’s Most Powerfull and Penetration testing tool.

Which used by the all over the world. All Penetrations are use this framework.

It allows security professionals to detect intrusions into their network and identify threats and vulnerabilities in various areas such as software, systems, or networks. Metasploit comes jam-packed with existing exploits but gives the framework to create your own custom exploits.

In This Tutorial You can Learn How to Install Metasploit on Ubuntu 20.04


  • Recommended OS: Ubuntu 20.04 
  • User account: user account with sudo or root access

Install WGET Package:

This tutorial will be utilizing the wget command so make sure wget is still as follows:


sudo apt install wget -y

Install Metasploit for Ubuntu 20.04

Download Metasploit

You will need to download the package install, Luckly, rapid 7, the company behind Metasploit, has an open-source installer that you can download to install the latest version.

Run the following command to download the Metasploit insataller.


Now make the Installer executable by giving the +x permission as follow :

sudo chmod +x ./

Install Metasploit

Now the Next, Install Metasploit, and this is a straight forward process.

sudo ./


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